this is my first item from theonlyukayqueen.multiply.com. this online ukay store is so fab! they have a lot of fun and fearless outfits that any girl would want to wear!

a song for all the wonderful mothers all over the world!!! my mom is my perfect fan!
 Woke up around 4am and i started tinkering with my laptop already to check and explore weebly, yey! And then I saw my mom going to the kitchen I followed her and just hug her from the back and whisper "happy mother's day, mama! love you so much!" and she just smiled, her warm smile that always helps me to be confident with whatever i'm doing. 

She is definitely the one person that I should see before going to sleep and the one that I need to hug whenever I feel bad about anything. Srsly, its hard for me to eat after coming home from work if she's not around, I don't have the appetite if she is not the one makes my food. I also have this weird mannerism that whenever we sleeps together, I love cuddling her from the back and bury my nose at her back and just inhaling her scent makes me feel warm and safe all over. I really love her scent, a tired but happy scent. weird! hehe! 
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