I just finished watching this movie and i did enjoy it a lot! It made me laugh and cry all through out the movie. And it also makes me remember my own "chone" back in High School. All the crazy stuffs that I did just to get his attention, until now i couldn't believe that I actually did those things! :>
My "chone" back in High School!!!  OMG!!  I still cannot help but smile whenever I see him (it's just on picture now) or whenever I remember those fun school days.  haaaaaaaayyy...
1/25/2012 11:31:58 am

Fine info bro

1/27/2012 12:45:08 am

Nice one info, thanks

3/10/2012 03:51:57 pm

Fine post bro

3/26/2012 01:36:44 pm

Great info, thanks

6/13/2012 05:47:53 pm

THX for info


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