


The first 2ne1 song that I like...ever! haha! The tempo is just so right not so melodramatic but with a right vibe of being upbeat! kewl! :>
I just finished watching this movie and i did enjoy it a lot! It made me laugh and cry all through out the movie. And it also makes me remember my own "chone" back in High School. All the crazy stuffs that I did just to get his attention, until now i couldn't believe that I actually did those things! :>
My "chone" back in High School!!!  OMG!!  I still cannot help but smile whenever I see him (it's just on picture now) or whenever I remember those fun school days.  haaaaaaaayyy...
This was a fun night at dampa (macapagal)! We just had dinner to celebrate the upcoming wedding of kai and joseph (the couple from the right). It was my first time to it there and i really enjoyed it. thumbs up! Seafood madness indeed! 
And then we had a nightcap at starbucks while waiting for rey's boyfriend that's the girl beside me! 
Feeling a bit down lately for unknown reason.... well, I'm actually feeling less confident about myself. Losing the belief that I can be okay no matter what... haaaaaayyy, I really don't want to dwell with this kind of emotions it just makes me feel really low... nwei, so I made a quick stop at 7/11 on the way home to   buy a cup of this superlicious choc truffles by selecta. It just made me feel a little better with its rich chocolate. and just can't help but have this big smile when i read my sweet coach krisel's comment on my Facebook wall! :>
fb chatting with my sisterette! a very trusted and knowledgeable representative! :>
I found this site about weather updates and it's kind of more reliable than PAG-ASA's updates. ! start checking accuweather.com for your weather updates! :>
A very out of the blue decision to go out of town!!

My new team and I just decided to go out of town with out any plans on where to go and what to prepare. We just brought some extra clothes and right after our work we went straight to buendia to get on whatever bus we like. It is so fun! randomness.. :>
that's moi, my super funny coach and the ever hyper memay! :>

i just sent a tweet to jang geun suk's official twitter account.. and after a couple of mins i found a post on facebook about sukkie not having any twitter account!!!! just good! eerrrkk... 


i want to sleep but then i need to stay up until 8am i guess so that i can sleep around 9 till 3pm. darn! i really need to schedule my sleeping period since i have a new schedule at work. so,  here i am playing "tinier me", tumblring and watching some korean drama ost.

The face of a winner !!!! Manny "pacman" Pacquiao is still the undefeated champion!! All Filipinos are so proud of you. 
Whenever Pacman has a fight the whole world stops! hehe! Well atleast here in our street, yeah it does. My father keeps on bothering my sister to tell him the updates about the fight over the internet, he is just so agitated about the fight. My mom was out attending a birthday party and when she arrives, well she is just pretty upset because she missed the fight,goodness! My little niece was actually not that happy with the result since she made a bet with my dad that if Mosley wins, my old papa will clean the house but because Manny won, she will no longer eat ice candy!! haha!  :>

Well that's how Manny affects a regular family household,tsk tsk... :>